Tuesday, November 3, 2020



California? Why Not!


  1. In the immortal words of Col Mike Kirby, "I like the way you talk".

  2. No. No he can't. Come on. He lost the state to the hildabeest by like 3 million votes. Most of that state loathes him. He may make some small gains, but no way he flips it. Wish he could, as that would be friggin glorious, but we have to face the fact that, in all likelihood, Trump will lose either outright or by stolen states with fake votes that some leftist election officials will demand to be counted and the fed courts will say "state issue" and let it go

  3. Chris, I'm here on the front lines and I think it could happen. Anyway, I prefer to be optimistic.

  4. I don't think he can flip California but by giving it a shot he may peel off some votes and help some down ballot republicans in local races. I think it is great that he is audacious enough to try. I was watching an interview with Mike Huckabee one time and a reporter asked him how he got the black vote when he won Governor of Arkansas, His answer - "I asked for it". The Democrats have abandoned whole sections of the population of America while Trump has been out asking those very people to join him. For example I can tell you that I work with a bunch of AFL-CIO guys and they ain't voting for Biden.

  5. Mikey, I don't think Biden voted for as much as Trump was voted against. He's a regular guy with his emotions on his sleeves and a lot of people don't like it. I love it!

  6. He'll says he'll fight the steal. Vindicates my faith in him.

  7. edutcher, There's a lot of crap going on.


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