Friday, November 13, 2020

It Ain't Over ~ Libturd Friday ~ 1


Before we get started, does anyone realize this is

Friday the 13th in the year 2020? Run like hell!

Thanks FBers (Soon to be MeWe Peeps)


  1. Friday the 13th isn't as bad as any election day with Democrats in it.

  2. I hear that since Biden (harris) is almost elected, Covid is almost a thing of the past.

  3. edutcher, and they'll take the win if they cheat. That says everything you need to know about democrats

  4. Kid, I don't think so. Biden wants to shut the whole country down and EVERYONE wears a mask.

  5. That would be up to the governors and let's watch them arrest 50 million? people.

    Plus an ECONOMIST predicts the Covey will be gone in 6 months. lol

  6. Kid, I think there will be more unrest than they can handle.

  7. Just read on cnbc that "Trump strikes out in AZ, MI, and PA".

    Especially MI and PA where unbelievable illegal ballot dumps were made. Gonna be hard to take for many. Me? What do I aim at?..........

  8. Kid, There are some "Cloak Types" going after the election software companies as we speak as I understand it.

  9. Yea, I've read some promising stuff all over the place, and in relation to software hacking witnesses. Just read our Army seized some Dominion? software servers in Germany...
    Considering all that's gone down the last 4 years and not even some punk at the FBI being indicted, I'm at the wake me up when something actually happens stage. Too much drama and of course, I certainly don't believe a lot of what I read about any of it.

    Look at CNBC's site and they're sure Biden's in the white house. Read the headlines on and there's no way DJT leaves the white house. lol None of the bloviators anywhere has any control over any of it.

  10. Kid, I can't argue, it's a wait and see game. "We the People", at this stage, can only hope and pray. I sure wish I heard more from the Republican Party and our elected officials.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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