Sunday, November 22, 2020

Stand Up America!


Buffalo, New York Business Owners 
Stand Up to Cuomo Lockdown Orders; 
Chase Out Sheriff & Health Dept


  1. GOOD! Great to see people who understand their rights and force TPTB to follow the Constitution.

  2. You can bet your sweet aspidistra His Lordship wasn't expecting that.

  3. I hope we see more of that, people are getting pissed and fed up with this bullfeather crap and are starting to push back, maybe we as a society are starting to find our collective balls! I know I am starting to push back and saying no.

  4. Cederq, we have to push back. They've been taking pot shots at our freedoms for too long.

  5. Seriously, I picture cuomo and all the rest of the new communist government operatives sitting around having big parties laughing their ass off at the dirt people who they've decried cannot enjoy Thanksgiving or Christmas, and 'other thoughts' come to mind. Big Country type thoughts.

  6. Oregon: Gov. Brown encourages Oregonians to call police on neighbors who violate COVID-19 freeze.

    "PORTLAND, Ore. — Days before Thanksgiving, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown said she believes residents who know their neighbors are violating the most recent round of COVID-19 protocols, which includes capping the number of people allowed in your home at six, should call the police."

    Violators could face 30 days in jail or $1,250 fine or both?

    These authoritarians are out of control - the Buffalo event needs to go Nationwide. These mandates need to be challenged in court. MFs

  7. Those so called sheriffs should be ashamed of themselves.

  8. The fat guy with the striped T-shirt and "Sheriff K-9 on his tabard is English, from Southern English. The main give-away is his pronunciation of the word 'mask.

  9. Kid, my neighbors and I aren't participating in the scam. We're also talking about, as a group, breaking curfew.

  10. Edward, civil disobedience should be the rule of the day. What the hell could they do if everyone did it?


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