Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Why Not ~ Libturd Tuesday Morning Edition

Thanks Facesterbooksters


  1. The one about nonsensical laws is what's made me proud of the people of this country.

  2. edutcher, we are getting mighty close to that tipping point again.

  3. MMinLamesa but of course. It's becoming all the rage as the season in mid August nears

  4. Yep, the family ties between democrats and media go much deeper.

    Too many American's don't have it in their genes anymore. They don't want "America" after 3 generations of Marxist/Leninist indoctrination.

  5. Iffn' I was Trump, I would make sure his cell block faced to the South, and no rugs or any written material allowed inn his dark, dank, bottom of the dungeon hell hole I would place him.

  6. Kid, they are the "Can't We All Just Get Along" generation.

  7. Cederq, it is tradition in the country not to prosecute former Presidents. But there is nothing written where it can't be known the world over what a piece of shit he is. It would be about a 10,000 page book.

  8. "Cederq, it is tradition in the country not to prosecute former Presidents", 'tis only a tradition, not the law. Demorats have been flouting traditions for over a 150 years, I say Trump should jail his skinny, jive ass in a cell with no running water, no toilet, a 250 watt bulb burning 24/7 and it's temp at an uncomfortable 55 degrees.

  9. Cederq, OK you win. Get that cell ready.


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