Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How About Libturd Wednesday ~ Morning Edition

Thanks Facesterbooksters


  1. As I understand it, Cronkite was a leftist shill. He might've been less obvious about it, but he did have an agenda.

  2. If you took the media out of the equation, things would be rather normal, despite the plague.

  3. Not so sure about the Uncle Walt meme; it’s my understanding he was not so inclined towards American victory in Vietnam

  4. Wally lied through his God damned teeth.

    He was just less obvious than his successors.

  5. I like the TV and the Cronkite one. Those were the days eh.

  6. jabrwok, he did go rogue during the Vietnam War, but his reporting was 100% more neutral than reporters today.

  7. Bobo the Hobo, it was a brutal time in our history. You couldn't live here and not take sides. The North was ready to surrender several times and the demonstrations here encouraged them to stay in the fight. Walter was a lefty, but except for Vietnam you could hardly tell.

  8. Kid, thanks for going easy on me. The rest of my readers think I designed that meme.

  9. Walter Cronkite was a globalist scumbag whose lies about the Tet offensive led directly to a demoralized American political apparatus to pull the plug on our brave military in Vietnam which led in turn to the fall of Saigon!

    Tet was a great victory for our soldiers, but Cronkite spun it as defeat and did so intentionally. Lesson learned, by the CIA, that is. They learned first hand what a 'trustworthy' news source could do to an entire population, and so we can thank Walter for the 20 million dollar talking head 'operatives' masquerading as news anchors that we have today.

    And on that last note. Today News anchors are paid millions, why? Reading the news is no special skill, shaping the news is. These people are being paid millions to make us believe the shadow government's lies! So yeah, fuck you too Walter!


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