Friday, May 29, 2020

I'm Swimming In Libturd Memes ~ Morning Edition

Thanks Facesterbooksters


  1. If you've been swimming in that stuff, better take a long shower, get deloused, disinfected, and decontaminated.

  2. To teach US history use P51 Mustangs in the picture not British Spitfires.

  3. ScooterMan it's OK for two reasons. It's only a meme (stolen at that) and we did fight with the British in World War II. Oh, and it's a very cute picture that says a lot.

  4. And Eagle Squadrons was first three squadron's populated by Americans to enter the war on the British side, they flew Spits. So...I think you've got it right, Woodsterman.

    1. Volunteer Americans. A year or so before America woke up...nice piece of history then, if a little embarrassing!

  5. As I wrote in the comments in your later post. You are the best.

    Thanks for the posts.
    Paul L. Quandt

  6. Ah Shucks Paul, you make me blush. Thanks again.


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