Sunday, September 29, 2019

It Must Be Funday

Thanks Facebookers


  1. Milk carton, scenes from everyday life.

  2. #1, That's how to run your house on a generator, one end in the genie and the other in the dryer outlet. Be sure to shut the main breaker off first. 21 days of no power from a snow storm will do that to you.

  3. LOL, the coffee table!
    The BMW class also applies to Subaru drivers in the PNW.

  4. Hillbilly, I've been there myself. I just put an extra outlet in the house, near the frig, marked "GEN".

  5. Brig, mostly the BMW drivers around here.

  6. got a fourlane into southeast aurora from parker co. 55mph. at a traffic lite an x5 decided to pull a right on red but violated the space occupied by an F250. both were smashed to hell. the bimmer pilot got the worst of it. so. the x5 next to me going the other way was texting at the stop lite down the street. one assumes the x5 asshole was also texting when it pulled out into an F250 doing 55(being generous) going the opposite direction.
    BMW assholes just love to be first. Subaru pilots just love for you to not be first.

  7. capt fast, We get a lot of them from the Bay Area up here as tourists. Nasty group of spoiled brats.


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