Sunday, September 22, 2019

Happy Libturdishness Day Everyone

Thanks Facebookers


  1. The one bout the moon is sooooo true.

  2. Yeah, I like the one about the moon also - I hike a lot and still use my compass and paper map because sometimes the trails I hike aren't worn and the trail blazes are faded or gone. One time some kids with a GPS started laughing at me when they saw me using the paper map and compass. Wonder what they will do when / if their GPS fails?

  3. All great! The one about the GPS is priceless! And AOC, a 430 credit score and a 4.3 IQ. (I might be overstating that.) LOL

  4. @Edward - Compass? COMPASS! What the hell kind of retrograde anti-tech nut are you??? Next thing you know you'll be writing letters on paper using a PEN. Be still my beating heart.


  5. Edward, our old ways are simple and proven. It's fun to watch kids make change too.

  6. Chris, I don't know the woman, but my overall knowledge says you're overestimating.

  7. Adrienne, that tone ... Edward might think you're serious. I have a feeling there aren't any cell sites where he hikes.

  8. Fantastic! I stole the Iran one.

  9. This site is always fun for me. I should have asked the teens the correct for true north from magnetic north for my current position. :) :) :)

  10. Edward, do you think you would have any luck with that?


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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