Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Busy Building My New Shop / Storage Shed Funday

Thanks FaceGuys

Yes, Boys and Girls, the work goes on and it's starting to take shape. Hopefully I will have the shop enclosed by the end of the week. If not, then shortly after. The goal here is to enclose it before the snow flies. I might be financially challenged before the inside it complete, but water tight comes first.


  1. I remember when the commercials bragged you could take a family of 4 there and get change back from your dollar.

    The Good Old Days really were.

  2. Love them all, but I wonder how they got that boat in the dumpster. Amazing.

    I linked this post to Happy Tuesday.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ♪♫♪♫

  3. Hmmm, that 50s picture seems to have caught a visit from Marty McFly. Isn't that a DeLorean I see in the McDonald's lot?

  4. edutcher, I'm assuming you mean McDonald's. I remember in high school and eating three or four cheeseburgers and a coke for under a buck.

  5. Sandee, being a boat person yourself you should have gotten that one. You just have to go at that wave at the right angle.

  6. Edward, Yup! That's Marty enjoying a 15 cent cheeseburger.

  7. What no hildebeast picture ? Dude, get with the other 99.999% of the internet. Or Hopefully NOT.

  8. Kid, that bitch is in the news again? No thanks.

  9. Hill is on the talk trail giving the Dems an advanced peek at her book, "How to Win, and Other Sage Advice."

  10. Rickvid, so when see that in the news I think to myself, Rickvid in Seattle told me that. Thanks Rickvid!


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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