Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Enjoy these while I, yet again, dig myself out.


  1. How much snow have you gotten overall Odie?

  2. The Nebraska one is hilarious. Those cows all look like they're thinking, "WTF??? You want to see udders take a closer gander of what we're packing."

    I wish you could find someone to help you with the shoveling and snow blowing. Our snow plow fairy saved our life this winter.

  3. Odie - we're way below our usual snowfall. I'm trying to figure out how we sent all that white crap over to you.

  4. Pelosi Galore is starting to look like a couple of Star Trek creatures.

  5. The left is having a total meltdown. I think things will even out at some point, but not today.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ☺

  6. Irish, I've lost track. I think it's close to 15 feet. There's around 10 feet out there that you can walk on that's as solid as a rock. The ski area on Donner Summit is reporting 270 inches of PACKED SNOW. This last storm that ended yesterday afternoon was a beautiful light 30 inches. That was nice because the snowblower could throw it on top of the 12 foot berms.

  7. Adrienne, my next door neighbor has a loader, and he helps with my berms every storm. I had a kid knock on my door yesterday looking for work, so I had him help for an our. Funny, that's the first time in 37 years I've seen that. Usually the kids up here are so tired of their own driveways they don't want to do any more.

  8. Sig94, enough! Please take some back.

  9. Mardi Gras in Nebraska? Newsflash: Them ain't beads they're throwing!


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.