Saturday, March 18, 2017

Ivanka ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

I think this woman is so insanely beautiful
I decided to dedicate my Rule 5 to her 
this week. 

Thanks Ivanka

Other Ivanka Trump Loving Rule 5 ers:


  1. "When the going gets unnatural, the unnatural turn pro" - Grand Poobah of unnatural, Ivanka Trump

    old blog, looks like I need to rebuild Ivanka Trump

  2. I'm with you Odie. She's poised, charming, intelligent and has the old school appeal that is so unlike the progressive dikes who have crafted themselves into Ivanka's enemies.

  3. I think she's just gorgeous. She even looks smashing without makeup and in jogging clothes. She certainly got the best from both parents. Let's not forget the her mother is responsible for a lot of her behavior. European women are tough moms.

  4. GOODSTUFF, I think she's one class act.

  5. Adrienne, she's right up there with the purrfect woman.

  6. Mama and Daddy's little girl.

    We have her, the Lefties have Chelsea.

    No wonder they're insane.

  7. She is beautiful indeed. Very, and the left hate her. I don't think she cares though. She shouldn't.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ☺

  8. So...she's "insanely beautiful" and you're just...? One of the two??

  9. edutcher, well there's Trumpsque or there's Clintonsque.

  10. Sandee, life is too short to worry about what the left thinks. WAIT! They don't think.

  11. She's a freakn' spectacular woman!


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