Monday, March 6, 2017

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style XCIV

I thought this would be appropriate because we just got 2 feet
of snow and it's still coming down when I posted this at
3:00PM on Sunday.


  1. TWO FEET??!! Good grief, Odie. We were bitching 'cause we got two inches. However, my tulips are all coming up bigly so spring is just around the corner.

  2. You're had your share of snow this year and then some.

    The dogs are every so Awww. Too cute.

    Have a woof woof Awww Monday, Woodsterman Style. ☺

  3. oh my- 2 feet? Yikes! Take care and have a super day!

  4. Adrieene, The critters ate all of my Tulips a couple of years ago, but my Daffodils are ten feet down.

  5. Sandee, I've had everyone's share of snow this year.

  6. Kathe W, we got another 6 inches last night I have to go take care of ... BYE!

  7. Are you in cabin fever mode yet?
    Spring runoff will be here before you know it.
    I always think of how hard it must have been for the pioneers without all the modern snow removal equipment.

  8. Brig, I think the pioneers walked on top of it. Spring? Damn woman, it's 15 degrees up here.

  9. Aww! What a cute video! Thank you for sharing with us. Keep up the great posts :)

    Take care,


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