Tuesday, October 25, 2016

This Is Why Hillary Must Be Stopped


  1. The HBO Series Newsroom, the clip you showed here, really captured why the stakes so high this election.

    I have put this election in God's Hands where it belongs.

  2. Curmudgeon, We need all the help we can get. If by showing this video and one lib wakes up I'll be a little happier.

  3. He's right. It's not the greatest country. The elite in Washington are there to get rich. Plain and simple.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  4. The voting machines are already flipping votes. Especially in TX.

    If you see something, take a picture and start screaming.

    Long and loud.

  5. I put it in God's hands, and then see stuff and take it back. I feel like a yo-yo, God is silent. He just shows me the mess we got ourselves into. And the mess is real, and has been the goal of Socialists since we became The United States of America. We loved our responsibilities and took them seriously. We loved who we were. And that is the reason we are so hated - because we loved who we were. The destruction of my beloved America was done silently, with hatred, with intent. We were surprised by the people who joined in our destruction: Obama, Hollywood, Soros, the Clintons, Panetta and our trusted media. They helped orchestrate the devastation of our school systems, beginning at the top, working their way down to youngest. And killed with abandon what they could reach in the womb.
    Thank you for the vid, Odie. Hal says I'm a pessimist. I was born in a war-torn Germany. It's like déjà vu.

  6. Oh, and yes, I'm still voting for The Donald. It's too bad he won't grow up and stop whining before Election Day.

  7. Trailbee - Well said, but he's still in charge, whether we see it or not. Not silent. Not invisible. Not dead. Satan has demanded that we be allowed to do this to ourselves. In the end, it's for the good that God's hand will be all the more visible in the rescue. Patience is hard, but I have a strong sense that we are very close to victory. In April, it will be exactly 100 years since the evil threats of Communism, Nazism, Islamism and Globalism have been allowed to dominate us. God likes round numbers. I think the time is almost up.

  8. +1 for Grunt.
    We need to make this change, get off our butts and make this country great again!
    God helps those who help themselves!

  9. Hey, Grunt, yes, you are correct, like I said - I feel like a yo-yo taking the problem back. Not that I can actually do anything about anything. :)

  10. edutcher, is that Soros a great piece of crap or what?

  11. Trailbee, Hal is right, you are a pessimist. That puts you on guard, and I think we need more of that.

  12. Trailbee, I embrace who he is. One of us that is taking a HUGE challenge.

  13. Grunt, Trailbee sees the young ones in this country believing, by liberal design, in socialism. They've been taught, sometimes right under or noses, it's OK to steal the fruits of someone elses labor.

  14. Brig, I hope that's what we all have been doing.

  15. Trailbee, Stay engaged and let's win this thing!

  16. Curmudgeon,

    While I understand your sentiments, and your faith, in putting this election in G-d's hands, I must respectfully disagree.

    G-d gave us hands to do things, eyes to see, a brain to gather information and figure things out and a soul to lead us to what is right. G-d helps those who help themselves, because He gave us the tools to help ourselves.

    It is up to US to exercise our free will, to actually demonstrate and act for what we know to be best. Now, if we're not capable of doing something, we can ask for G-d to intervene and accomplish what we think is necessary - but before we even have the right to ask, we have to do our utmost with what G-d has already given us.

    In this case, it means that we have to get out there and vote, and be on the watch for fraud (or errors - honest ones do happen, even with Democrats involved). It is up to us to convince friends, family and colleagues to feel the same way, and to get THEM to vote. It is up to us to persuade voters on the other side of the error of their assumptions and/or facts, and to at least try to convince them to vote for anyone OTHER THAN Clinton, or to stay home.

    If we do our part, I am quite sure that G-d will do His - He always does.


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