Saturday, October 1, 2016

Getting Older ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

I’m getting old. No wait, I am old.

You know how young girls like to flirt and tease old men? Recently a neighbor gal sexted me this picture and asked what I thought. I text her back and told her she needed to clean up her room. 

Thank You Hal! 

Other Sexting Fool Rule 5 ers:


  1. We're all getting old, Odie.

  2. You both might be getting old, but think of your selfves as an aging fine scotch or bourbon!

  3. Evi L, I feel fine ... you're right. I especially love your new word, "selfves".

  4. One does tend to focus on what needs to be done.

  5. edutcher, you're right. I'm still think about what I'd like to do.

  6. I agree Odie. She has a very messy room.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  7. I can still look and wish, but the prospects are getting smaller and smaller!

  8. Once a rounder always a rounder... age makes no difference...

  9. Ron, sounds like you need some sexting neighbors.

  10. Brig, do you mean we drink so much we imagine this TRUE stories?

  11. More like cheap Bourbon, in my case. I'm just amazed that Hal has such cute neighbors! Why hasn't Trailbee moved him somewhere else by now? She's slipping.

  12. I'm certainly not getting old Odie. I'm as good as when I was...wait...what was I saying?

  13. Grunt, Trailbee tells me Hal's to busy sending me stuff to notice his neighbor.


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