Tuesday, March 8, 2016

They'rrrrreeee Baaaaack ... The Walmartians II

 Captain Barbossa, is that you?
 Tell me, how is this possible in the world of manly?
 I didn't think there could be things worse than kid 
leashes until now.  Leave it to Walmart to show us 
a whole new world of strange parenting.
 Walmart has a very diverse population. VERY diverse.
It's drag your kid to Walmart Day.  Didn't YOU know?

Thanks David


  1. If it was anywhere but Walmart, I'd say that this stuff is all made up...but we all know that it isn't.

  2. Thank goodness our Walmart is still fairly normal.

  3. If one ever pondered just how many boobs a human being can have the mystery has been solved.

  4. This is just one of many reasons we don't shop at Walmart. Good grief. All this is so very normal in a Walmart though. Bless their hearts.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  5. LL, I'm going to Walmart today, so I'll give a report.

  6. Adrienne, so tell us what's normal for Walmart?

  7. Curmudgeon, is it really limited to four?

  8. Sandee, Talk to Adrienne about normal.

  9. That's the only way they get me there.

  10. OH my eyes! lmboooooooooooo xoxoxoxox

  11. The handcuffed kid isn't strange parenting, it's abuse. Gah! I no longer want to even know what these people are thinking.

  12. I think you're being to hard on that lady handcuffing the kid to the cart. With my kids, I used The Club®.

  13. Mike- Whether "The Club" is child abuse or not depends on how it's used. Threading it through both ear lobe piercings and the nose ring before locking it to the cart is discouraged unless you can ensure there's no chance of inhaling any lose tongue piercing hardware dislodged by The Club. And local laws vary. California, especially, requires a safety class.

  14. WHT, now you know these are a Woodsterman staple.

  15. Euripides, OK I'll keep it to myself.

  16. Proof, I kind of like how it's done in the last picture.

  17. Grunt, stop being such a party pooper.


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