Thursday, March 31, 2016

Feel The Bern . . . .


  1. Bernie is the least likely of all candidates, but he has a lot of followers in his chum line hoping to cash in big on free stuff. Hillary will be indicted. Trump/Cruz/Kasich look more like a clown car every day.


  2. Lots of dopes love Bernie. He'll get lots of support once the old, fat lesbian crone is indicted. And all of those dopes will be livid once they find that the Establisment Democrat machine picks John Kerry to replace the old, fat lesbian crone once she goes to prison.

    But the dopes tend to get over things fairly quickly. John Kerry will promise them a bunch of free stuff, too.

  3. He never had a job until he was 40.

  4. No on Bernie. These idiots want to be like Greece? What is the matter with these stupid people? You can't fix stupid.

    Bwahahahahahaha on Fredd's comment.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  5. Never trust a man who can't even get a decent haircut. And he looks like he smells, too.

  6. Bernie has been a great asset to employers. It makes hiring so much easier than before. All you do is ask them if they're feeling the Bern. If they say yes, you know they are BOTH lazy AND stupid, and you send out the "not interested" postcard. My son in law is actually doing this in his business, although he gives them a little more notice... But you didn't hear it from me. The drawback is that many Bernheads have already been hired.

  7. LL, OK but I need lots of money. I'm glad I can count on you.

    Yesterday and today I was trapped in family stuff. I'm trying to catch up.

  8. Fredd, the Boy King is in charge now. As long as that's so, look to him for the countries direction ... SORRY!

  9. Sandee I would stand in line to piss on either one of them.

  10. Adrienne, there should have been a bounty on him 40 years ago!

  11. Gruntsterman, the guy is a communist and that's where we are!

  12. edutcher, he still doesn't realize there are private sector jobs.


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