Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wizzers For A Wednesday

 When we had snowmobiles we called this "High Speed Tape"

Thanks Facebook Friends


  1. The radio in that soon-to-be dead guy's living room looks similar to the one I have, a 1935 G.E. that still works, vacuum tubes and all.

  2. Fredd, it looks like the many I threw away ... Damn!

  3. That was a one-in-a-million shot throwing that bottle and it ricocheting straight back at the guy and nearly de-jeweling him. My guess...he won't try that again.

    Is it your birthday? Happy B-day Sweet Pea.

  4. Curmudgeon, he can't do it again. He's out of champagne.

    Thank You, Sweet Pea!

  5. These are all good, but that last one had me laughing out loud. You can't fix stupid.

    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Odie,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪

    Have a wonderful day my friend. ☺

  6. Sandee, nor would I want to try.

    Thank You!

  7. I'll bet 2 and 4's wives don't act that way because he's a guy who brings home the bacon and knows how to put it away.

  8. Edutcher, and they'd better do it quickly.

  9. Like Sandee, the last was best. Happy birthday! How many is it now--39?

  10. I'm late, and there's no champagne left, but happy birthday anyway, Old Guy! I would have been here earlier, but the hangover after the SOTU was a KILLER. I think I might have also given myself a concussion somehow, but Gruntessa is not fessing up, so it might have been something I said, like those guys in your cartoons today. Hope you enjoy the evening!

  11. Grunt, Thank you!

    You didn't really listen to that lying asshat did you? There isn't enough gin in town for me to tackle that one.

  12. Hope you're having a wonderful b-day! Have a great one!


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