Sunday, January 31, 2016

Christmas Hospital Decor

You know You Work In A Hospital When

The Christmas Decorations Look Like This


  1. When I worked patrol one of my beats had four hospitals in it so I spent a lot of time in ER's taking reports. Those Xmas decorations are hilarious! Nurses are a special breed, God bless em!

  2. Those are fabulous!
    have a great day, Woodster!

  3. I think these are brilliant. Such imagination when into putting these together.

    Have a terrific day Odie. I'm linking you to Silly Sunday. ☺

  4. A post on Christmas decorations on the last day in January, Odie? I guess we should expect your Groundhog Day post sometime in the middle of March??

  5. Have to show those to The Blonde.

    43 years a floor nurse.

  6. Proof, I thought of posting them next Christmas, but I would have lost or forgotten them.

  7. edutcher, maybe a couple of them are her's.

  8. The wife and I made a similar tree this year. We had way too many hospital artifacts not to have a bit of fun with them.

  9. Euripides, that's not a good thing to have a lot of unless you work there.

  10. Think I like the first one best, but the condom one was a close second.

  11. Those are great! Lots of RN's in the family, can't wait to pass these on to them!


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