Tuesday, January 12, 2016

More Than Two Fer Tuesday . . . .


  1. That last guy is exactly how I felt yesterday. We finally found a really, really good plumber (hello - can you say 11 days?) Anyhoo, it had gotten really nasty around here. After unclogging our drain pipe to he septic tank, the sound of flushing water made me just about fall headfirst into a snow bank. I really didn't realize how stressed out I was.

    Want to know how outstanding these plumbers are? I'm going to have them install a new bathtub in the spring. Whohoooooooooooooooo.


  2. And a new hot water tank (ours is 20 years old), and possibly a new faucet in the kitchen.

  3. It usually takes more than 20 years for a woman to get that bad.

    Unless she puts some real effort into it.

  4. Adrienne, there's only one thing better than a good plumber, and that's a good flush.

  5. Adrienne, I'm am so happy we got sewer to our house about 13 years ago and natural gas the year before ... WhooHoo!

  6. I'm 40+ years past my graduation and my ass doesn't look anything like those huge things. Thank goodness.

    Loved them all as always.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  7. edutcher, you must be a lot younger than me. At my age you know better than to even approach than subject.

  8. Sandee, could you please have a talk with edutcher. I personally have a battle going all the time since I turned 60ish. I eat half of what I used to and when it's not icy I walk two miles a day.

  9. OMG, if I ever, ever get to the point of the second pic...
    Wonder why the faces are not showing in the first pic, and they are all looking at the camera in the second pic... could it be their faces haven't changed at'll...

  10. All good today, Odie, but it was the last one that snorked the coffee into my sinuses. That's going to be me tonight after a solid hour of O'BlowMe!

  11. Brighid, so many questions early in the morning.

  12. Grunt, I stopped listening to that mutt 9 years ago. I knew who he was and what he wanted. Watching his endless lies wasn't going to change that.

  13. Terrorist kill Americans and Obugger calls for more gun control! What else would you expect from a confirmed socialist!


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.