Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Husband ~ The Mall ~ The Purse

Bravo, bravo!


  1. ...and exactly who do those peanut gallery guys think they are, wearing their herring bone sport jackets with patches on the elbows? You'd think they were still green light thinking, the lot of them, in the faculty lounge at Cal Tech.

  2. That's the way that I treat a purse that I'm handed. Usually I drop it and stand next to it (guarding the grounded object). It has been pointed out that there is "delicate stuff in there". I comment that may be true but my balls aren't in it and that's the only delicate stuff that I care about.

  3. Fredd, they are the misplaced masculinity police.

  4. LL, trying to keep piece? You need to train the purse giver. Actually, I look good with a purse.

  5. Women should NEVER, EVER ask their man to do this. Just saying.

    Have a terrific day Odie. ☺

  6. I never had a problem with it, but nice move.

  7. I've never had a pink purse in my life and I wouldn't even think of carrying one ever.

    I did date a guy who on occasion asked me to hold his man purse back in the day... no, the relationship didn't last.

  8. Cube, you just don't seem like "The men with a purse" kinda Gal.

  9. Damn--My wife would have known better! Yep, that simple!

  10. +1 for FREDD

    Jeez, who would ask that of their MAN!


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