Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Just Another Fun Tuesday . . . .

Thanks Hal


  1. That last one reminds me of a "racy" card my boyfriend sent me when I was 16. It was a cartoon doctor holding a stethoscope to a girls chest and he was saying, "Big breaths." She answered, "Yeth, and I'm only 16."

    Time for tea and farts - ooops, tarts.

  2. A fart attack is different than a heart attack...but both are deadly in their own way.

  3. Bwahahahahahahahaha. Love these.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  4. Sandee, that's why we keep putting them here.

  5. Funny I have never noticed those belly buttons! Yep, I get it!

  6. Being omniscient and knowing what their offspring would look like, it is possible that an omnipotent God who spoke worlds into being, could have created both Adam and Eve with belly buttons.

    More likely, though, they were depicted by artists who went to art school because they weren't exactly rocket scientists.

  7. All funny. Now I'm off to have a cup of tea ;)

  8. Ron, see you are the brightest bulb in the box.

  9. Proof, you mean like Michelangelo, huh.

  10. Grunt, she's as sharp as a tack sometimes.


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