Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Texas Fails ~ Woodsterman Style

I prefer not to be dead while waiting for the police.


  1. All so true. And some people are throwing a spittle flecked nutty because Trump suggested we should stop Muslim invasion until "we find out what's going on." I say we should stop it because we DO know what's going on. That being said, they'll just lie about being Muslims.

  2. It's all quite frustrating.

    Things need to change, balance needs to be restored.

  3. Notice that all of these gun grabbers have armed security surrounding them constantly. Well, that's because they are important, you see, and the rest of us, not so much.

    A pox on all of those Rosie O'Donnell hypocrites. We need to marginalize them, and now.

  4. You and I are on the same page Odie. You want to come mess with us then you can deal with the fallout while waiting for the police.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  5. That first one is right on the money and the next to last...

    what can you say?

    If any or all are yours, kudos, sir.

    Kudos for putting them up, also.

  6. Adrienne, just look for the goats and the Mooselimbs will be close by.

  7. LL, you being on the front lines would know better that most. Keep an eye open there abouts.

  8. Sandee, sounds good but I might be busy.

  9. Edutcher, I am not responsible for any of them except for stealing them. I've started signing mine on occasion.

  10. Got some good ones there buddy. Think my pick would be the one on Reagan. Although he did condemn the Israeli bombing of the Iraqi nuclear reaction back when! Don't get me wrong---RR was the best!

  11. Ron, back in those days he had to play both because both were our friends. I'll bet he called Israel and said good job privately. Just a feeling I have.

  12. I support my local police, but I don't know if they can make it to my house in time to avoid a disaster. That's why I have two big dogs, big guns, and a big husband.

  13. awesome Woodsy!! Happiest holidays to you my friend!!! xoxox hugsssssssss!!!


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