Thursday, October 1, 2015

Let's Visit Walmart Again, Shall We

Nothing goes together like pot and mother's milk.
 Does Walmart do laundry while you wait now?
 I'm speechless ... just like the little guy.
 Um . . . . is any of this look coming back?
I think I'll need that blood pressure machine next.


  1. This is why I try to stay out of there.

  2. The fun part is that none of these scenes are all that uncommon in Walmart - and they all have an equal vote with the rest of us to determine the fate of the nation.

  3. This is exactly why I don't shop at WalMart. Good grief, you can't make this stuff up.

    Have a fabulous day Odie and stay out of WalMart. ☺

  4. LL, I had some good opportunities to get a few shots myself, but I didn't want to get these people mad.

  5. Sandee, you don't need to make this stuff up.

  6. Walmart is one of the most wildly successful businesses in the world for this very reason: their target market is the broke, unsuccessful, ugly struggling low achieving low information losers among us.

    In other words, their preferred customer profile fits about 60% of the U.S. population.


  7. Fredd, good thing you included me in that. I was't worried fir a minute.

  8. I shop at WalMart occasionally... I just keep my eyes closed when I do ;)

  9. That's why I go to Walmart---won't see a bunch of phonies there!

  10. That kid with a bag over his head is grounds for somebody calling a cop.

    PS all the smart people don't go there after Wally World dropped the Stars and Bars.

    Inside, it's sparsely patronized the few times I've looked in.

  11. Odie: you can't fool me. You are forbidden from shopping at Walmart...they won't let you in, unless you can fit a loaf of bread comfortably into your exposed butt crack.

    They have people at the front doors checking, so don't try to sneak in with that puny butt crack of yours.

  12. cube, I remember you. We used to call you "Bumper Car".

  13. edutcher, is that right? It's getting to where I can't go shopping anywhere anymore.


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