Sunday, October 25, 2015

Bars Are Different in Scotland

Thank You Brighid (LINK)


  1. Whoa - wait just one minute. Poor the gin, vermouth, and olives in the trash?? What the hell? That's just crazy! I'll concede the vermouth, but never the gin or olives (or pickled mushrooms.)

    However, that is a good deal on the beer. Wow - second one FREE.

  2. I think it was Jesus that said "stay thirsty, my friend."

    I might be wrong about that, tho'...

  3. Adrienne, free beer here! I with you, toss the Vermouth but NEVER the Gin or Olives.

  4. Fredd, I'm not sure. Perhaps we should look it up.

  5. On New Year's, postmen in Scotland can expect a wee drop o' Scotch (2 fingers) at each house.

    Anti-freeze, doncha know.

  6. Bwahahahahahahahaha. I linked you to Silly Sunday. This more than qualifies.

    Have a fantastic Silly Sunday. ☺

  7. edutcher, it's the only way they can finish their route.

  8. LOL I'm on the next train up to Scotland :-)

    Havee an alcoholtastic day :-)

  9. Heeheehee! Got to admit they have their own ways!

  10. I was go'n for a kilt lifter anyway!

  11. messymimi, and we wouldn't want it any other way.


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