Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Gun Totin' Tuesday . . . .

He shares the authors opinion of Libs.


  1. It was black comedian Chris Rock who said, “You don’t need no gun control. You know what you need? We need to control the bullets. That’s right. I think all bullets should cost $5,000 each. If a bullet costs $5,000 there would be no more innocent bystanders. Every time somebody would get shot we’d say ‘Damn, he must’ve done something. Shit, he’s got $5,000 worth of bullets in his ass.’”

    “People would stop and think before they killed somebody if the cost of each bullet was $5,000: ‘Man, I would blow your fucking head off if I could afford it. Imma get me another job. Imma start saving some money and you’re a dead man. You better hope I can’t get no bullets on layaway.’”

    “So, even if you get shot by a stray bullet you wouldn’t have to go to no doctor to get it taken out. Whoever shot you would take their bullet back saying, ‘I believe you got my property.”

    This begs the question: Is it really a shooting or more like an “interpersonal ballistic event”?

  2. Curmudgeon is quoting Chris Rock, but there is more than a hint of truth in what he's saying. They'll go for the ammunition (IMO) My advice? Stock up now.

    And keep in mind, the French police worked with the Nazis, as did the Austrian police.

  3. They can have my bullets -- one at a time.

  4. We stocked up long ago. The dems do wonders for weapons and ammo. More sales with dems in charge than when republicans are in charge. I can't tell you what we've spend on guns and ammo since that idiot moved into the white house.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  5. Not just thumbs up , but all 10 digits skyward! Cheers and pass the ammunition!

  6. Curmudgeon, sounds like we should stock up before the real nuts take over.

  7. Sandee, That's an often told story. Gun sales went from about 3,000,000 a year before the Boy King took office to about 12,000,000 during his first year in office.

  8. Is that gun sales rise with Obama TRUE? I've never heard that....good posters, Odie...

  9. I will give up our guns when the government has the secret service protect them with a peace sign! I am sick of these political morans! Ugh! Protect your own families with your Nazi mentality! Leave mine alone! I never dreamed I'd see Americans line up like sheep to the slaughter. I am disgusted all around at the choices we have to vote for. Thanks for these great shares.

  10. today, we are all camped outside Wounded Knee, with the government begging us to come inside. "we will protect you, just give up your guns" they say.


    yeah. right. no more. the line in the sand is drawn. I'm even helping those behind enemy lines with ammunition and magazines...their local laws be damned.

    they can fight us as much as they can fight the wind..we are all around them, and nowhere at the same time. we will not start this fight..but we will surely end it!

    1st Granite State Irregulars
    proudly giving statists the finger since 1995!

  11. Z, I guess I misspoke about the figures. That was the way it was told to me. I sent you the actual figures via email a couple of minutes ago.

  12. Annesphamily, liberals want to fix everything except the problems in their own homes with their whacked out progressive children.

  13. Are you comparing Wolves to Criminals who can't read?

  14. A good object lesson is what happened when the South wanted out and the North thought they could just say, "No".

    You may not win, but they'll think twice about doing it again.

  15. edutcher,
    the main problems the south had was a lack of manpower, and a small to nonexistant manufacturing base. you need both to do a head-to-head, bayonet-to-bayonet stand-up fight.

    we're not fighting that way. it's a foolish thing to fight the way the enemy wants you to fight. we're training for 4th generation warfare. bypass the grunts, hit the brains. obviously, we will not lose the moral high ground and act first, or target innocents. but we will not be pushed around any more.


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