Friday, September 4, 2015

Who's House Is That?


  1. I thought that she was so broke that she could barely afford a computer server in her basement.

  2. She's broke because she keeps buying these expensive houses. She needs to elected so she can buy her own country! LL, why are you up so early?

  3. LL, I thought the server was in a bathroom in Colorado.

  4. Linda, because his girlfriend has cold feet.

  5. I get it. It's DC and it's hot and muggy, but must people dress like such slobs? I know, I know - you think I'm over fixated on appearance. Thing is, when people are dressed decently they behave better. A nice summer dress would be cooler than those horrible shorts the girls were wearing. The only one who looked fairly nice was the young black man.

  6. Adrienne, I'm sorry silly girl, I was following the message. But I do remember wearing a suit and tie, as a kid, to fly on a plane.

    I'll be scarce for a few days, depending on the WiFi. I'm doing my last show of the year. Ah but, so far so good.

  7. This has to be untrue! After all Hillary told us all she was broke back in 2000. And we know the lady doesn't lie! Nothing more than a vast right wing conspiracy!

  8. They want you to think they are poor and they are far, far from it. What they and the media have done is make it look like the right has all the money. Remember Rubio's boat (the super yacht) and all it was was a small fishing boat. Then there was Kerry's super yacht that was downplayed. Bunch of crooks.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  9. You mean she isn't living in an Obamaville someplace?

  10. Hopefully she'll soon be living in another big house, one with bars on the windows and a barbed wire fence.


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