Sunday, September 27, 2015

Perfectly Timed Military Photos

Thank You Danum Style


  1. ...and the Golden Gate Bridge at rush hour??

    Good photos anyway.

  2. Wow, these are amazing, especially the jets!

  3. That one on the ramp of a transport is great.

  4. Way cool shots. The blue angels fly through the golden gate bridge all the time. It's awesome to watch.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  5. The timing on the bridge shot is incredible. 1/1600 sec.! But it's not rush hour, LL. There are three lanes moving each direction. During rush hour, the GG bridge diverts an extra lane in the direction of the heaviest traffic flow.

  6. Sandee, I would love to see it sometime.

  7. Proof, yes a very fast shot is required. I remember the lanes being lopsided when I was on it too.

  8. Great shot of the Blue Angels. Saw them many years ago at Kingsville, TX.


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