Thursday, July 23, 2015

Texas Thursday . . . .

Thanks Hal


  1. Weather in Dallas began with rain yesterday morning - 98 degrees and very very humid.

    No rain this morning but it's supposed to be about 103 degrees.

  2. I remember seeing it rain tadpoles in Houston. Really!

  3. LL, that sounds awful. Now I understand all of the naked boat parties ... besides them being fun.

  4. Adrienne, I believe it. Last night I had a tree frog jump in to my lad, while I was in the house in my chair. He had that look like, " I followed your grandson in here, now would you let me out please." True story that happened about 6 hours ago.

  5. Texas rocks. Yes it does.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  6. That last Texas rock was the big one.

  7. LL, yup! They've got em you know. Need an invite?

  8. Like that one about the ammo. Hell the price has gone through the roof when you can find what you are looking for! I shoot my 22's a lot, but damn its almost impossible to find that caliber! Fu*k its Obama's fault!


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