Thursday, July 2, 2015

Battle Flag . . . .

These are the people who find the Confederate Battle Flag offensive.


  1. They have ruined rainbows for me…even double rainbows.

  2. I never saw it getting this bad, how short sighted of me.

  3. Hurray for Lee. I am going to use this photo with linkage in a post I'm currently working on. Thanks, Odie.

  4. Okay, now I've seen this on Facebook and now here. I'm still glad it's a shot of their backs. This is gross, but much of those parades are pretty gross.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  5. Race, I know what you mean. They'll never be the same.

  6. Admiral, the power of a liberal can never be underestimated.

  7. Wait till you have to see that marching through your town.

    Watch public opinion become buyers' remorse.

  8. We called this flag the Stars and Bars. We called those two guys 'assholes.' A technical term.

  9. Oh, they're flying the stars and bars alright. You just can't see it in the picture (hint: you'd need x-ray vision).


  10. Avoid Skittles now and forever.

  11. Now that flag really offends me! I would give a fucking finger to the guys or is it the gals in frisco but those SOB's would enjoy it! You know what I mean if you have ever accidentally dropped into one of their shit-holes. Sorry to be so blunt and crude but I have!

  12. edutcher, I won't see in in my town. I won't be looking if it happens. You are right about buyers remorse, but the genie is out of that bottle.

  13. Fredd, asshole, butthole ... same same.

  14. JMJ, it's bad enough seeing it without X-ray vision.

  15. LL, for sure they're off of our list.

  16. I REALLY don't want to see their war-face.

  17. I suspect they did more damage to their cause than they did good; the LGBT community probably are a bit sickened by this "vulgarity" (no, I'm not a prude and nudity doesn't bother me - even in parades), but the spectacle they're making of themselves sickens all of my LGBT friends (and I have many)...and they feel this put their cause back a few years. However, I will die defending their right to do this!!


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.