Saturday, July 18, 2015

Jogging ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

My neighbor came over the other
day and asked if I'd be her jogging partner. 
I told her I would first have to check with 
my cardiologist.  Well he nixed the idea.
I gave her your number so you can expect 
a call in the next day or two. You might want 
to check with your doctor
before you make a decision.
   ... just saying!

Thanks Hal 

Other Jogging Rule 5 ers:


  1. Nice thingies.

  2. Dude! You need to put that .gif on yer sunglasses!!

  3. She looks good coming and going.

  4. She needs a chin guard to protect against abrasions ... just sayin'.

  5. Mac, Dude! That would be a tech trick I'm not sure I could handle.

  6. LL, I'm finding the older I get the easier it is to fall in love ... or is that fall in lust?

  7. sig94, wouldn't that ruin the over all look?

  8. Odie, there isn't a doubt in my mind that you'd not check with your cardiologist and just go for the jog. I'm just saying.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  9. Sandee, OK, OK, we've been a couple times. Have you ever tried to keep up with a runner by running in front of them ... backwards?

  10. Wonder if I could keep up the pace, but then trying is half the fun!

  11. Kept watching that gif waiting for her back to just snap.

    Never did, though, and I watched it for a LONG time...

  12. When I was a pedestrian, I used to LOVE cleavage season.

  13. Ron, Trying with inspiration like that?

  14. Nate, I'm STILL watching, but not for the same reason.

  15. Wait, that chick has been jocking on more websites than I can count. I thought you had firmer standards...

  16. You live in CA.

    Where I am, it's below freezing part of the year.

  17. Brighid, that babe can do whatever and whenever she wants here without any complain. What in the world could you possibly mean ... she screams great standards.

  18. edutcher, read about my weather sometime. We are the coldest in the nation quite often.


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