Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Stuff For A Wednesday . . .


  1. If you tell the lie enough then you can make your constituents believe that lie. We know what the problem is. It's very obvious.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  2. That's all how I see it too.

  3. Sandee, it's tough to get the people who live off of government to see it our way.

  4. There you go, being logical again.

  5. That's why I don't live near stupid people - it rubs off. No wonder their city is so frigging screwed up. God forbid someone should actually propose something reasonable. I can wholly understand Baltimore - they cannot get out of their dilemma because they would have to accept that talking white and thinking white would actually help them. And they hate white, anything white, so they would rather drown in their sewers and point their fingers at whitey for making their mess. I do apologize: Actually, they are correct - white men wrote the Constitution, and most of the money in this country is earned by white people and GIVEN to them, blacks, -BECAUSE THEY WENT TO FRIGGING SCHOOL AND LEARNED TO READ AND THEN WENT TO WORK! I don't know why the Mayor and her court don't just sit quietly and look at each other and smile. They got what they wanted - the world by the proverbial tail! Again.

  6. Trailbee, I excited you with this one, huh.

  7. What do you mean "Take a message"? When you are living with one or more women, you don't even bother answering the phone, because it's not for you!

  8. Yeah, you did. I had a lot more to say, but the cook wanted to drive into town, so I shut it down. :)

  9. Baltimore is just another floating turd and should be flushed. As long as it stays there it just pollutes everything around it.

  10. Proof, believe it or not, sometimes it's for me.

  11. Trailbee, there's plenty of room ... fill'er up.

  12. Ron, Look at all of the liberal strong holds, they're just about all failing.


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