Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A True Heartwarming Story

None of his classmates liked him because of his stupidity and
clumsiness, especially his teacher, who was always yelling at him,
"You're driving me

One day Tyrone's mom came to school to check on how he was

The teacher told his mom honestly, that her son was simply a
disaster, getting very low marks, and that she had never had she seen such a
stupid boy in her entire teaching career.

The mom was shocked at the feedback and withdrew her son from
school and moved out of Detroit, relocating to Cleveland. 

25 years later, the teacher was diagnosed with an almost
incurable cardiac disease. All the doctors strongly advised her to have heart
surgery,  which only one surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic could perform.
Left with no other options, the teacher decided to have the operation, which
was successful.

When she opened her eyes after the surgery she saw a handsome young doctor
smiling down at her. She wanted to thank him, but could not talk. Her face started
to turn blue, she raised her hand, trying to tell him something but quickly
died .

The doctor was shocked, wondering  what went wrong so
suddenly. Then he turned around and saw our friend Tyrone, a janitor  in
the Clinic, who had unplugged the life-support equipment in order to connect
his vacuum cleaner.

 Don't tell me you thought Tyrone became a heart-surgeon.

Thanks Hal


  1. Yes, I thought Tyrone became the heart surgeon. Bwahahahahahaha. Bless his heart.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  2. Sandee, yes, it's about hearts isn't it.

  3. Moving from Detroit to Cleveland is like switching from hemlock to strychnine.

    Not exactly moving movin' on up.

    I'm wondering how I can get Tyrone to clean up my mother-in-law's digs...

  4. Fredd, all big cities are the same to me anymore. Good luck with the Tyrone thing.

  5. I guess the moral is you can't cure stupid!

  6. Lol. But I knew something was up when I saw they moved to Cleveland.

  7. cube, one big city is like another to me.


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