Monday, May 25, 2015

Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

We at Woodsterman and Your Country Salute You!


  1. I'm thankful that we can celebrate your service to our great nation and be soberly reminded that today we lovingly revere our brave men and women who paid with their lives for God and country so we could be free.

    We all love you Odie.

  2. Those soldiers at the Tomb typify the constant, selfless service rendered by our Armed Forces. Thanks for your service Odie.

  3. I've been to this changing of the guard a number of times. Never fails to make me cry -- and I'm a tough ol' broad.

  4. Curmudgeon, Thank you, and today we thank those who have fallen most of all.

  5. sig94, I was lucky enough to see this in 1965. It was indeed very impressive. Thank you.

  6. AOW, tough old birds do cry on occasion.

  7. I watched every second of the video. Excellent.

    Thank you to all those that gave their all for our freedom.

    Have a terrific day Odie. ☺

  8. I knew a guy in the Army who qualified for a stint in this unit, called "The Old Guard."

    Thousands volunteer for these slots, a handful get picked. You will notice not a thread out of place or a crease in any of their Dress Blues. I was told they actually lower themselves into their pressed slacks with a gizmo that slips them in without have to bend their legs (and cause a crease, can't have that).

    For that little 30 minute ceremony, these guys drill for a year, or more.

  9. 3rd Infantry, oldest regiment in continuous service.

    They fought the last Indian fight in 1898 at Leech Lake MN.

  10. Sandee, you're why we went dear lady.

  11. Fredd, I did see a special awhile back about this prestigious unit, but I don't remember a devise used to lower them into their pants. You're pulling my pants leg huh?

  12. edutcher, I went through a lot of inspections while serving. Many of them were for guard duty where an extra man was chosen and the best during inspection would be on standby and not serve unless someone was ill or something. I served on guard duty very little during this time, Hint Hint... I knew my shit, but I couldn't hold a candle to this most prestigious unit.

  13. Odie: you of course wouldn't see the gizmo on any TV special. It's like a magician telling you about how he saws women in half. Ever notice that magicians only use good looking women to saw in half, and never ugly women?

    But I digress...I never saw the gizmo, either, just heard about it.


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