Sunday, January 4, 2015

Tactical Firearms

Tactical Firearms in Texas is no stranger to 
funny yet controversial signs.

For the past year, the gun range based in 
Houston has displayed some
hilarious messages posted to their marquee 
outside the store.

But it’s their latest sign that is turning heads.

Thanks Hal!


  1. All true, and spot on! I love it!

  2. And the IRS hasn't audited them yet? Will wonders never cease...

  3. I love these. All of these. They are spot on.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. I again linked you to Silly Sunday. ☺

  4. I think that I'm going to steal a bit of this timeless wisdom for my blog at some point.

    Progressives cannot understand any of those signs. Obama might if you wrote them in Swahili.

  5. I like all but the best is the Like politicians follow their bloody true

    Have a tanfastic week ahead :-)

  6. Crack has been legal in Washington DC for decades. How else can you explain Congress?

    1. Euripides, would that make them "crack-heads" or cracked heads"?

    2. Euripides, Is that yes? Or yes! ( you did see that coming didn't you?)

    3. Yes. Just Yes. Today is no exclamation mark Sunday.

      And...yes...I suppose that was an inevitable question Odie.

  7. Now that's a guy who should run for President.


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