Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I'm Not Sure Why These Things Aren't Everywhere (5)

A fun way to clean.
 A hair brush that is easy to clean.
 Earbuds that won't tangle.
 USB rechargeable batteries.


  1. Speaking as a hairdresser, I wouldn't want to be the one who has to get the lift-off-bottom back on that brush. It's a great Idea, but needs to be refined somewhat. The bristles are very flexible and those hole are very small. I would put little knobs on the tips of the bristles so the bottom only pulled up to the top and did not come completely off. You would also have to be sure it was completely dry since mold could form underneath the bottom.

    Sorry for being so analytical at 6am...

  2. Adrienne, cool ... I'll send your ideas to the Ideas Man or Woman Department.

  3. I want that hair brush! My hair brush is always a tangled mess -- a mess that I can never untangle enough.

    1. AOW, It'll be in the mail if I can get Adrienne's approval.

  4. I want that hairbrush too. That's an awesome idea. Well they are all awesome ideas.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  5. Very cool stuff and, yes those hairbrushes are great.

  6. Putting that removable part of the hairbrush back on could be a real pain in the butt!

  7. Believe it or not, I actually purchased a set of those zippered ear-buds. They're called Zip Buds. The sound quality was shit and the zippered weighed down the ear-buds, which was completely annoying...!

    1. Jon, well now I know to stay clear on them ... thanks.

  8. I could see my kids going down the stairs on the segway...


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