Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday Stuff

This blog has suffered as late because a whole bunch
of things. I was on my annual R&R at the GSR when
about half way through and comed down with something.
Flu or cold got me good. I just stayed there not wanting
to bring it home. I'm still feeling like crap, but I'm home.
I need a do over for my R&R ... not going to happen.


  1. Get well, Odie. We love you.

    P.S. Where did you get that picture of me in the green dress???

  2. Adrienne, I'm hanging on but still feel like crap. I love you too!

    The camera is in the light fixture.

  3. Feel better soon Odie. Hubby and I were sick for about two weeks and it was awful. We would have been happy to feel like crap. We felt worse than crap.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. Sandee, I wonder if crappy has the same meaning in both households.

  5. Hate to hear you're under the weather. All of us hope you get back on your feet. Would a nice homemade apple pie or some homemade apple butter with Dr. McGillicuddy's Apple Schnapps help?

  6. Sorry to hear you're under the weather, dude. Whiskey and honey. In an emergency, skip the honey.

  7. Mommy Curmudgeon, Oh yes that would be nice.

  8. Proof, that figures. That's how I got sick in the first place. I was fetching honey for some moron that didn't know any better.

  9. Odie, sorry to hear you've been feeling poorly. Curl up with a good scotch, blankee, and read "The Grey Man -Payback-" by J. Curtis

  10. Are you not well? Speedy recovery to you.

  11. That first one, the story of my life.

    AAnd, of course, Col Peters is absolutely right.

  12. Hope you get feeling better soon.
    A day with out a Woodsterman post just ain't worth much!

  13. Hope you feel better real soon Odie.

    And who's the hot chick with the grey hair wearing the green dress?

  14. Scooney, I'll be here even if being fed through feeding tubes. It's those other things get tough.

  15. You look like crap,too...wait a minute....get my glasses....
    all right,who's the smarta$$
    who put a mirror in front of the computer ?!

  16. What's with Arabs and their f**king goats? Oops that's it!!!!

  17. Ron, glad I could help with that goat thing.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.