Friday, July 4, 2014

God Bless The USA - Redhead Express

Have a happy and safe 4th of July / Independence Day!


  1. Great video, Odie! Have a great 4th and God bless ya and the USA!

  2. Happy Independence Day, Odie!

    I'm going to smoke ribs for the first time ever. Converted our old gas grill to a smoker. Got charcoal, apple wood, pan of water, and ribs. Should be fun...

  3. Excellent Odie, excellent.

    Have a happy 4th my friend. :)

  4. Have a Safe and Happy Fourth.
    Great video

  5. Odie: You need to check the resolution on that video. There were a couple of spots where it seemed to get a little blurry!

  6. Thanks for cute and talented girls on this Independence Day. All the best to you and yours.

  7. Marine, aren't they great. Stay tuned for tomorrow.

  8. Edutcher,, Happy 4th of July to you sir!

  9. Proof, Sorry For that. I guess I forgot to make it tear Proof for you softy.

  10. Odie, hope you and family had a great 4th. Tomorrow I hit the 3/4 century mark. Been a long road, but with only a few regrets. Never met you and probably never will, but consider you a friend.

  11. Hooray for the redheads...When I had hair We really kicked it. Freedom for all!

  12. Ron, HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend. Your birthday is the same as my Father's. I hope you're feeling my FRIEND.


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