Thursday, July 10, 2014

An American History Lesson

Thanks David


  1. Sometimes history is an eye opening experience.

  2. Oooh no its the bad ole daze
    La raza will be so proud

  3. I'm at the point now, let's just give them California and I'll move. Governor Brown can learn to speak Spanish. That way he can print their welfare checks in Spanish.

  4. I live in California (central) and this is spot on. Mexico has taken over. There are towns where our businesses are closing (places like Raley's and Staples) and Mexican businesses are opening.

    Let's not even talk about the taxes here. Through the roof.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  5. Not sure, but I think most of the people there in 1850 did speak English.

    CA only had about 5000 Spanish speakers at the time of the Mexican War.

    Spain (and later Mexico) only controlled 2 enclaves on the coast:

    San Fiasco to Monterrey and Santa Barbara to San Diego.

  6. Whoa, he looks just like the raccoon did the Cowman shot up his a hole, he expanded about 4 fold, bellowed smoke, and had that look on his face, as he crossed over. (he was a very sick, very big raccoon, headed toward my chickens, by the way)

  7. Proving the old saying, "history repeats itself"!

  8. So much for today's history lesson on Californicate. I'm going back to July 23, 2013's management lesson; it's a lot more... hmmm... Well, it's a lot more what I look for in management skills.

  9. Marine, you leave those managers alone.

  10. California has to be the mismanaged resource ever. Well since Chicago. And Detroit. And New York.

    Hmmm. What is the common factor here?


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