Saturday, July 5, 2014

Beach Landing For Marine ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Other Beach Landing Rule 5 ers:


  1. Thanks for the flashback. Back in the day... I lived on all the major islands of Hawaii

    will post this in the next issue

    Shaka and da kind Bro

  2. GOODSTUFF, glad you like it. Remembering is about all we can do around here anymore.

  3. Well, I won't share my wardrobe malfunctions with you but there were a few.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. :)

  4. The Blonde and I stayed on the North Shore, drove past Sunset Beach every day.

    No wardrobe malfunctions, but plenty of EMTs.

  5. edutcher, I'm a surfer from back in the 60s and 70s and these babes were hard to find.

  6. I've watched it FIVE TIMES... when does the bikini fall off?!

  7. I was afraid you were gonna say that, Odie. I don't think I even have dreams, anymore. Oh well, back to my LEGOs.

  8. I think that's why they gave 'em to me, Odie -- I get awful frustrated trying to chew the little knobs off of 'em, though.

  9. I'm surprised that they weren't surfing naked...this is Woodsterman after all. (sigh)

  10. LL, I would of liked that too, but I don't want an adult only rating.


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