Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Pieces Parts . . .

 Found her while cleaning up the desktop.

 Found her while cleaning out a rat trap.

Found this cute little guy in an email from David.


  1. What a pig.

    No, the one above that.

    She's now claiming she and Bill were broke when they left office. AFTER her $10 million book deal...

  2. Hillary just said in recent interview that Ambassador Stevens was in Benghazi because he wanted to be. Perhaps true, but then the Clinton's will say anything. Knew them both while in Arkansas when they were at the governor's manison---nothing but two fricking crooks. Headed out the door to the hospital for surgery---rather be going to some tropical beach, but such is life.

  3. The first one: beyond my wildest dreams!
    The second one: beyond my wildest dreams... then I got to the punch line.
    The third one: the second one sunbathing?

  4. Maybe I should do a little bit more cleaning too.

  5. The pig serves an actual purpose in life...Makin' Bacon...and saving people from fires...Yes, "Trailer trash pig saves family"...Google it.

  6. Ron, you take care Buddy. We'll all be thinking of you.

  7. Hillary will run. The media is helping her anyway they can. We don't need that rat back in the white house.

    That first shot made me say good grief. I'm sure that's not what the guys said.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  8. Marine, I think you hit that last one on the nose, and the first ... what can I say.

  9. 2T2, I've loved a few in my life too.

  10. Admiral, it's very surprising what you can find.

  11. Scotty, I always keep one next to the fire extinguisher.

  12. I'll take the top one, thank you.

  13. edutcher, she might not be available. Just a minute while I check my bed.


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