Monday, June 23, 2014

How About A Little Feel Good . . .


  1. Randy, I wish ... I'm white and most white men can't dance. I'm always amazed how a guy can get feet going in one direction and hands in another. It's like chewing gum and walking at the same time.

  2. Adrienne, it's only right ... I stole it.

  3. I knew a guy in high school that could do that. He can't walk now. Ankles and knees shot.

  4. No special effects, fancy sets or production. Just great dancing to great music. Talent makes it all come together.

  5. Admiral, Are you in a wheel chair now?

  6. That was most entertaining Odie. He can dance. Yes indeed. Made me smile.

    Have a fabulous Monday. :)

  7. Yeah, that guy is a pretty good dancer. He's another guy, Jamie Berry, one, even more athletic.

  8. lets dance!!! hope your'e doin great :-)

  9. Tom, He's good too, but I think this guy is a bit more polished and fluid. I do like them both. Stop by Saturday ... I found another great one.

  10. WHT, Always ... may I have this dance?

  11. Started not to watch this "feel good" video was ready for a "good feel" one, but was glad I did---reminding me of my dancing days in the Zona Roja, the music however was mariachi!


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