Sunday, June 1, 2014

Is Your Dog Involved In A Sex Scandal ?

You can't mistake "the look."

Thanks Trailbee


  1. Yep, they all look guilty---especially the one at the top, but then I suspect he never did what they did!

  2. Yep - that's the look alright! :D Great laugh! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great day!

  3. You're giving a bad name to the dog you know. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    Have a fabulous Silly Sunday Odie. :)

  4. Wow. I wonder if politicians have a school where they learn how to imitate that look.

  5. Marcia, thanks for stopping by this insanity called Woodsterman.

  6. Sandee, can't help it. The truth about that dog has to be told.

  7. Euripides, we know they are capable of anything most of the time.

  8. edutcher, would that be your congressman or your dog?

  9. Old dogs can find...errr...learn new tricks. WOOF

  10. In the case of any of them, you know if they've been to your house if there is a hole in the fence, the trashcan is empty and your dog is pregnant.

  11. My dog is smarter.

    And more trustworthy.

  12. Edutcher, talk him into running for congress.


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