Monday, May 5, 2014

You Might Be A Redneck… Hope So!

 Red Neck “Male” Box
 Red Neck Shower Head
Red Neck Recliners
 Red Neck Air Conditioner
(Quite ingenious actually!)

Red Neck Cup Holder

Thanks David !


  1. Malebox? Not mailbox? Bwahahahahahahahahahaha.

    I'm more redneck than anything else. I'm proud of that too.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  2. Simple things work the best. Spelling and grammar, that's a whole different thing.

  3. Admiral, ah ... what's in a word ... or two ... or three ... ?

  4. Or, one of my favorites, "If you think people with electricity are 'uppity', you may be a redneck!"

  5. Aren't these clever?

    I've used that car AC method, BTW. Back in the day when we drove hoopties.

  6. AOW, "hoopties" must be an east coast term because I had to look it up.

  7. Odie,
    I'm not sure of the origin of the term.

    I also found this: I've heard the word "hoop" used as slang for "anus". What comes out of an anus? A piece of shit. If a Coupe de Ville is a fancy car, then a Hoop de Ville is the opposite. Thus, "Hoop de Ville" = "hooptie" = POS car.


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