Friday, May 16, 2014

Didn't I Do Odds And Ends Yesterday?

This Last one stolen from Earl of Taint (LINK)


  1. That first one is so true it just pi$$es me off!

  2. I'm with Randy on that first one!

  3. Yes, that first one pisses me off too. Bunch of crooks.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  4. I used the demented Reid photo today myself...He is in "The Koch Movie"...Oh boy; Can't wait to see that one!

  5. 1) I cannot believe how much Obama's gotten away with over the years. Benghazi is the capstone on his perfect career as a destroyer of nations.

    2) Is exactly the difference between socialism and the free market. (Capitalism is the word socialists invented to rag on the idea of market economies.)

    3) Don't mess with warriors.

    4) That's exactly how I picture Harry Reid in my mind, except with more wrinkles, like a shar-pei dog.

  6. The first one is an impeachable offense.

  7. Odds and ends work on Fridays too.

  8. I'm tired of the ObamaNation.

  9. Socialism is the great equalizer. It assures that everyone is equally poor! What's Harry saying in that last one? Let me guess. "the Koch Brothers did it"!

  10. Randy, you can say it "pisses" you off here ... Me too!

  11. IRISH, thank you ... I steal them from everywhere.

  12. Adrienne, it says a lot about our Boy King.

  13. Sandee, the word I use is "Mooselimb".

  14. Scott, don't look for me in that theater.

  15. Euripides, You summed them up so well.

  16. Edutcher, any other president it would have been, but no one wants to be called a racist for speaking the truth. Funny how that's working for them, huh.

  17. Cube, they work every time they're tried.

  18. Actually, it seems to have stopped working.

    The media may be singing, "La la la", but everybody else sees it.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.