Friday, March 21, 2014

Obama has worked things out with Putin

Can't we all just get along?

Thanks David!


  1. If I was Putin, I wouldn't even let the little hermaphroditic mohammadian carry my bag... golf bag, either.

  2. Marine, Whoa ... you say it the way you feel ... oh me too.

  3. Bwahahahahahahaha. You don't qualify as your pussy here is way too small for Feline Friday. Just saying.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  4. Sandee, I was hoping you read that comment. You don't mean Duhwon ain't pussy enough do you?

  5. You know that Putin will cheat on his scoring and that Obama will be afraid to call him on it...

  6. LL, it's probably the only time Obama doesn't cheat.

  7. Before long, Poot will have him on a leash.

    1. Obamohammad will love that! He/she/it is all into whips and chains and cattle prods and stuff like that, so the leash will go great with his black, high-heeled, sequined, knee high, S and M boots that the little islamic, mohammadian wears around the bathhouses.

  8. Edutcher, he uses one of those invisible fences now.

  9. lol he is the fool of the universe and in our WH!! enjoy your weekend my friend!!:)

  10. He is good at carrying someone else's balls!

  11. WHT, too bad it's too late to keep him a secret.

  12. Ron, did you really say that? Good for you!


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