Sunday, December 1, 2013

Simple Ideas .... 2

The Hits Just Keep Coming.


  1. Sound advice for a complicated world.

  2. Very clever and silly too. I linked you to Silly Sunday.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. Sandee, Silly is what we at Woodsterman really strive for.

  4. Supi, Not Silly? I have many more, so I keep trying.

  5. Toothpaste? I have to try that. Even for my teeth! Heh.

  6. I'm gonna try the tooth paste today.

  7. I like the toothpaste one. Before and after pics rock!

  8. Timothy, that toothpaste one sure is a big hit.

  9. OMGosh! That can opener one is GREAT!!!

    I've been using shoe bags for decades now. One in the hall closet for often needed tools, glue, small light bulbs, etc. One in the front closet for hats and gloves, and one in the laundry room for some of my garden stuff including my garden shoes/socks, clippers, and string.

    The only place I don't use one is in my closet for shoes. heh

  10. Adrienne, Opie, Timothy, and Randy want to know if you have one for toothpaste.

  11. Opie, You are a great man... Happy Sunday to you too...
    You made my day with your can-opener idea... I always thought there has to be a better way to cut them freaking things...
    And made wife's day with the toothpaste idea...
    She's pretty bugged that the head lights for her pretty honda is starting to haze... She saw it and lit up... So we'll try that with toothpaste...

    Perhaps to cold to do it now, these days... I imagine temperature has to be above freezing level to make it work... Not sure... But thanks...

  12. I knew your first name was Odie, I didn't know your last name was Martha Frickin' Stewart!

  13. James, Cold here too ... maybe I'll try it this spring.

  14. Mr. Positive, You haven't been paying attention.

  15. I used the toothpaste one on my car headlights and it worked.
    In 2007 while at Stan State I saw an art prof. use a shoe bag to collect all the cells before class. That was one quiet, focused class. The bag hung on the classroom door and when class was over, everyone collected their cells and left. Worked very well.

  16. Trailbee, Did anyone leave with a cell phone that didn't bring one?

  17. Handy tips. I'll keep those in mind.

  18. The toothpaste one is awesome, I gotta try it..,..,;-)

  19. Wonderful ideas. Thank you, W.


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