Saturday, December 7, 2013

Exercise ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Neck Exercise for Old Men

 No need to thank me.

Other Exercising Rule 5 ers:



  1. Set my alarm but forgot to change the day. It's a white world down here. Shoveling will be my workout. :)

  2. Trailbee, Oh no, you missed the unveiling?

    I have to get out there too. We did get that 12" of snow over night. Cold storm, so it will be like moving talcum powder. Just how I like it. The skiers will be very happy this morning ... POWDER!

  3. Thanks I needed that after my bad pillow nite.

  4. I didn't do the workout, but then I'm not interested in women.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. :)

  5. I got a workout, Odie, but it wasn't my neck! I had to bench press my monitor to get all those images right side up!

  6. Proof, that's the spirit. All of our pieces parts need exercise.

  7. My neck feels far more limber.

  8. Well i'm thankin you anyway I finally got the crick outta my neck thats been killin me for days. Need to do that more often!


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