Monday, December 2, 2013

Florida Tourists

Thank You Trailbee (LINK)


  1. Daniel Defense - Banned Super Bowl Commercial...

  2. There are more gators down here than you can shake a stick at. I live in the norther part of the state and they are everywhere around here. I can only image what it is like further south.

  3. ha ...oohh!!! NY we aint got those ..pjew! a great week hun!..xoxox

  4. I lived in central Florida alway and the gators are thick as flys. Now in Southwest Mississippi and they are every where here also. Not even safe to take your dogs near the water---gators love warm dog meat. Been away for a few days with an old buddies from Arkansas.

  5. commoncents, I'll have to check that out. Why would that be banned? NBC?

  6. Admiral, Suitcases, make lots of suitcases.

  7. WHT, We don't have them here either. We have "Land Gators" called bears. They're smart enough to avoid us most of the time.

  8. Ron, do you have any liberal friends you could take for a walk?

  9. I do have a couple in the woodpile, maybe I should invite them for a stroll on the lake shore.

  10. When I was in central FL in a place very similar to this, I sat on a hollow log and stared out over the water...The critters that bit me were Red Fire Ants! I was in that lake quick as a flash...gators or no!

  11. Shoot. We went to this Texas island. One side the island had warnings gators in the water. We could walk to the other side of the island and see everyone swimming. I started thinking, if gators aren't a problem with one side of the island, then there must be something in the water that eats gators.

  12. Bwahahahahahahahaha. Well there you go. I loved that video.

    Have a terrific day Odie. ☺

  13. lol...
    When I lived in FLA, there were gator related car crashes everywhere...
    it is way to cold for them here... lol...

  14. Gees, I nearly leaped out of my skin!

    Here in central Florida, we have lots of gators. Recently, my husband was at the golf course and looked down and there was a 3 foot gator standing by his left foot.

    I think he nearly leaped out of his skin.

  15. Like that blonde that was hunting alligators. She'd kill 'em and then throw 'em back, muttering, this one didn't have any shoes, either!

  16. Supi, is that another "Big in Texas" joke?

  17. Sandee, The blond was taking the photos ... go figure.

  18. James, our critter of choice here are bears.

  19. Cube, that's probably what the gator wanted. It was skinless Thursday.

  20. Proof, what a guy. You remembered one of my Rule 5's story and not the babes.


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