Friday, October 18, 2013

Posts That Reflect My Mood

I expected the Dems to do exactly what they did,
but the RINOs need to be replaced ... every damn one!

(He gets to inherit this mess)



  1. most cool

    your GIF works in my blogroll

    header for next blog, bouncing boobs

  2. My dad used to get out his homemade shoeshine box and say, "Some day, all this will be yours," and we would laugh uncontrollably. When he passed, that was the first thing I went for!

    Is it me, or did he get some of Grandpa's looks?

  3. Happy Birthday to your grandson Dresden :-)

  4. Dresden has his work cut out for him Odie...If he has your charm he will be fine, which means he better save like hell and ask Grandpa for a loan!

  5. What is it about little kids and pots and pans? Cast iron crack.

  6. Happy Birthday to little Dresden. I think he can do a better job than the GOP.

  7. Dresden looks ready for his daily workout. Adorable!

    Clowns don't want us to know what's in the budget. Informing constituents is so passé.

  8. Randy, yup, I'm paying for his birthday. Can I get a loan?

  9. Sig94, he just discovered that drawer about three days ago. Every day it keeps him busy for 45 minutes each time he opens it.

  10. Cube, I think you're right. Maybe he can win the hearts of the MSM.

  11. Opie, Dresden thanks you.

    We can't let the SOBs forget we're watching AND voting!

  12. I'll bet Dresden handles things in the future better than many of his elders. That look says it all!

  13. Cute little boy! Must take after his mother.

  14. ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Dresden,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪

    I think we need to drain the entire swamp in Washington D.C., yes I do.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  15. Happy Birthday to Dresden. Think of all the places he will go, and all of the things he will see!
    The store owner with his banner has got it right!

  16. Everything bothers me. Especially leaving the mess for Dresden and my daughter.

    That is a fine young lad!

  17. You nailed it!

    Every last one of those.

    And Somehow I think young Dresden will turn out OK.

    Look who his Grandpa is.

  18. I'm sorry that we've left such a mess for Dresden.

  19. Sandee, Dresden thanks you and wanted me to tell you what a wonderful voice you have.

  20. Scooney, The store owner says quite well for all of us.

  21. Admiral, I hear you loud and clear. The sheeples keep speaking. I wonder if those morons know Obama dealt their kids the same hand as he dealt Dresden?

  22. Edutcher, you're right! How could he possibly go wrong with Woodsterman as his Grampa ... ah, ah, umm, umm ... oh never mind.

  23. LL, me too, but we ain't done fighting the fight.

  24. Read that again: "Not one single budget has been passed since Obama took office."

    Does it bother me?

    No, not really. From the moment she was brought into the Big Plantation House, I never expected anything different from how she's done things. Had the budget deal -- along with all the rest of her plans to tear America apart -- gone any different, it would have proved me wrong in my judge of character. And that would have been a huge letdown for me, knowing that I could have been that badly mistaken.

    Once again, she's managed to give the RINOS the opportunity to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

    And a humongous 'ATTA BOY!' to Mr. Ray Gaster!

    AND a humongous HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Dresden!

  25. Marine, Dresden that's you!

    The girl king doesn't surprise me either, but what does surprise me is the shambles that is the new democratic party. There was a time, democrat or Republican, the country came first. They, plain and simple, just no longer love this country the way we do.

  26. Yesterday, my cousin brought over her granddaughter, age 6 months. Such a beautiful and ever cheerful little darling!

    The poor kid doesn't know what she's in for -- now that America is a Leftist nation.

  27. Odie,
    They, plain and simple, just no longer love this country the way we do.

    That is the bottom line, isn't it?

    Our so-called elected public servants are wreaking travesty upon travesty upon this once-great nation. So horrible.

  28. AOW, They hate this country plain and simple. I hope they don't screw it up completely for the little ones.

  29. Odie, did you see this today?"Soldiers attending a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood say they were told that evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party were a threat to the nation and that any soldier donating to those groups would be subjected to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.“
    Americans, Patriots, Veterans, Soldiers, Christians, Jews, merchants, libertarians, are being compared to Mulsim brotherhood...

    Add me too...

  30. James, I didn't see that, but I know a solders politics used to be off limits as was religion. It was however considered bad form to endorse one candidate over another while in uniform.


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