Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday Muffins

Thanks David!


  1. We all know that military veterans are the true suspected terrorists in America. After all they throw that whole "Bill of Rights" mantra around.

  2. Vote the Holder-Weiner ticket...and Holder will Lynch Zimmerman!

  3. Yep, our FBI and Homeland Security folk are warned against "people who believe in the Constitution and the Founder's vision of the nation".

    It's a topsy turvy world with the muslim in chief at the helm.

  4. Scotty, are you saying Weiner-Holder?

  5. Opie, we're are a very dangerous group to the lefty libs.

  6. Yea, right Odie, but in this upside down topsy-turvy Obamaworld...I suppose you could take that one either way...sic

  7. This whole administration is a joke. The far left loves them, not because of what they do (they get a pass on everything), but that they are the far left.

    I'm part of the anti big government. I'm proud to not be a muslim fanatic. I will not submit.

    Have a fabulous day. :)

  8. The truth hurts.

    Especially when it makes you laugh.

  9. Scotty, you have to read " Weiner-Holder" again.

  10. Sandee, watch out that makes you public enemy number one.

  11. Edutcher, big belly laughs with big toothy grins?

  12. Those are all good! Had seen them all except the top one. Did Holder lose something or is he hiding?

  13. LL -- Thank you! You don't know how good that makes me feel!

  14. Eric Holder favors and promotes lawlessness as long as it's black supremacist lawlessness.

    With his head stuck up there where the sun don't shine, he continues to ignore the mounting ire of WE THE PEOPLE.

  15. AOW, he doesn't believe in We the People.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.